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Pixelize-Operator Example
This operator reduces the resolution of an image creating
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Input STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8 input buffer
Ouput STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8 output buffer
Width pixels width of the rectangles to create
Height pixels height of the rectangles to create
Centre ON, OFF centre the rectangles, this options should be
switched off if the size of the rectangle
varies with time
Grid OFF, XY, X, Y type of the optional grid to create
Size pixels thickness of the grid to create
Red, 0...255 base color of the grid
Green, 0...255
Blue 0...255
DLeft, 0.0...1.0 color variation of the grid to produce
DRight 0.0...1.0 a threedimensional look
DTop 0.0...1.0
DBottom 0.0...1.0